Deodorizing & Sanitizing Service
We offer Dog Poop Deodorizing & Sanitizing in Orange County Florida. Let Poop Bandit rid your yard of poop & urine odors! After our technician removes and picks up the dog poop in your yard, we now have a service to help remove the residual odor left behind!
We will apply our fresh mint smelling, EPA approved and Earth-Friendly sanitizer, deodorizer, & disinfectant to the high dog waste and urine areas of your yard. The product is completely safe to use on your grass and will immediately start to work neutralizing odor causing bacteria and is effective against many canine viruses including Parvovirus, bacteria, and fungi. This service also meets the EPA criteria for use against SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Start enjoying your yard and lanai again by reducing the attraction of flies & other pests that linger in your yard from the smell of dog poop.
Affordable treatment starts at $7 per service for a 400 square foot area.
Contact Us today to add onto your service package or as a one-time application!