
Watch Your Step on Goals

Watch Your StepSome people are willing to take a lot of crap. But the owner of The PoopBandit® has made it into an art form. Michael Wright is Mr. Big Sh*t A pit bull with a lisp and a loose stool. A schnauzer with a memorable schnoz. A duo of dainty maltipoos with...

Mr. Big Sh*t: The Local Winter Garden

Mr. Big Sh*tMike Wright knows the scoop on what it takes to become number one in the No. 2 business. ... To be totally honest, I was having a massive identity crisis. Here I was, a guy that gave advice to billionaires for 20 years, and now I’m going to pick up shit?...

Michael Wright is Helping to Reclaim Your Backyard: Winter Garden Lifestyle

PoopBandit® (noun – /po͞op ˈbandit/): An unknown dog who poops mysteriously in odd places

Watch Your Step on Goals

Watch Your Step on Goals

Watch Your StepSome people are willing to take a lot of crap. But the owner of The PoopBandit® has made it into an art form. Michael Wright is Mr. Big Sh*t A pit bull with a lisp and a loose stool. A schnauzer with a memorable schnoz. A duo of dainty maltipoos with...

Mr. Big Sh*t:  The Local Winter Garden

Mr. Big Sh*t: The Local Winter Garden

Mr. Big Sh*tMike Wright knows the scoop on what it takes to become number one in the No. 2 business. ... To be totally honest, I was having a massive identity crisis. Here I was, a guy that gave advice to billionaires for 20 years, and now I’m going to pick up shit?...

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